We’re moved! And so are our thirty-one boxes of Civil War books. Soooo many books. We’re very glad the move is over and we’re in our new place, but we did want to let you guys know that I (Rich) recently found out that I have a detached retina and will be having surgery to repair it. The doctor wanted to do the surgery right away, last week, but with the move that wasn’t going to work, so it will be later this week instead. Unfortunately, that means you will have to wait a bit longer for Episode #200. Sorry!
Author Archives: Rich & Tracy Y
Civil War Podcast, Episode 199
ANTIETAM (Part the Fourteenth)

In which we wrap-up our discussion of the Battle of Antietam, which took place on September 17, 1862.
Our book recommendations for this episode are “Antietam: Essays on the 1862 Maryland Campaign” edited by Gary W. Gallagher and “The Antietam Campaign” edited by Gary W. Gallagher.
- Listen to Episode 199: AntietamPartFourteenth
Civil War Podcast, Episode 198
ANTIETAM (Part the Thirteenth)

In which we look at the aftermath of the Federal assault on the Sunken Road, and also Ninth Corps’ capture of Burnside Bridge.
Our book recommendation for this episode is “Crossroads of Freedom: Antietam” by James M. McPherson.
- Listen to Episode 198: AntietamPartThirteenth
Civil War Podcast, Episode 197
ANTIETAM (Part the Twelfth)
In which we look at Round 2 of the fight for the Sunken Road, aka Bloody Lane, at the Battle of Antietam on September 17, 1862.
Our book recommendation for this episode is “The Gleam of Bayonets: The Battle of Antietam and Robert E. Lee’s Maryland Campaign, September 1862” by James V. Murfin.
- Listen to Episode 197: AntietamPartTwelfth
Civil War Podcast, Episode 196
ANTIETAM (Part the Eleventh)
In which we look at Round 1 in the fight for the Sunken Road, aka Bloody Lane, at the Battle of Antietam on September 17, 1862.
Our book recommendation for this episode is “The Long Road to Antietam: How the Civil War Became a Revolution” by Richard Slotkin.
- Listen to Episode 196: AntietamPartEleventh
Civil War Podcast, Episode 195
ANTIETAM (Part the Tenth)
In which we look at the last major combat on the northern part of the battlefield, as Greene’s Federals gain a foothold in the West Woods near the Dunker Church. With next week’s episode, the action shifts to the Sunken Road.
Our book recommendation for this episode is “The Maryland Campaign of September 1862” by Ezra A. Carman, edited & annotated by Thomas G. Clemens.
- Listen to Episode 195: AntietamPartTenth
Civil War Podcast, Episode 194
ANTIETAM (Part the Ninth)
In which we look at the ill-fated attack into the West Woods by John Sedgwick’s division of Sumner’s Second Corps at the Battle of Antietam on September 17, 1862.
Our book recommendation for this episode is “A Field Guide to Antietam: Experiencing the Battlefield through Its History, Places, and People” by Carol Reardon & Tom Vossler.
- Listen to Episode 194: AntietamPartNinth
Civil War Podcast, Episode 193
ANTIETAM (Part the Eighth)
In which we look at the attack by Mansfield’s Twelfth Corps on the north end of the Confederate line on the morning of September 17, 1862 at the Battle of Antietam.
Our book recommendation for this episode is “Landscape Turned Red: The Battle of Antietam” by Stephen W. Sears.
- Listen to Episode 193: AntietamPartEighth
Civil War Podcast, Episode 192
ANTIETAM (Part the Seventh)
In which we continue our discussion of the attack by Hooker’s First Corps at the Battle of Antietam on the morning of September 17, 1862.
Our book recommendation for this episode is “Voices of the Civil War: Antietam” by the Editors of Time-Life Books.
- Listen to Episode 192: AntietamPartSeventh
Civil War Podcast, Episode 191
ANTIETAM (Part the Sixth)

In which we look at the opening of the action at the Battle of Antietam on the morning of September 17, 1862.
Our book recommendation for this episode is “The Bloodiest Day: The Battle of Antietam” by Ronald H. Bailey and the Editors of Time-Life Books.\
- Listen to Episode 191: AntietamPartSixth