In which the one bright spot in the Confederate retreat from Chattanooga is Cleburne’s rearguard action at Ringgold Gap on November 27, 1863
Our book recommendation for this episode is “‘All Hell Can’t Stop Them’: The Battles for Chattanooga- Missionary Ridge and Ringgold, November 24-27, 1863” by David A Powell
In which we start in on the story of another dramatic event in the battles for Chattanooga- the storming of Missionary Ridge by the Federals on November 25, 1863.
Our book recommendation for this episode is “Voices of the Civil War: Chattanooga” by the Editors of Time-Life Books
Our book recommendation for this episode is “In the Shadow of the Round Tops: Longstreet’s Countermarch, Johnston’s Reconnaissance, and the Enduring Battles for the Memory of July 2, 1863” by Allen R Thompson
In which Bragg decides to send Longstreet off to have a go at Burnside up at Knoxville. Meanwhile, Grant welcomes his buddy Sherman to Chattanooga.
Our book recommendation for this episode is “The Three-Cornered War: The Union, the Confederacy, and the Native Peoples in the Fight for the West” by Megan Kate Nelson
Hey, everyone! We have two pieces of news to share with all of you. First, after 10+ years and 400+ episodes, we’re going to have new podcast art work moving forward. It’s an idea we’ve been kicking around for a while and we finally decided to pull the trigger on it. Here’s the new design we’ll be using from now on…
The second piece of news is that we’ve signed on to be a part of Airwave Media. Airwave is a podcast network that’s home to other great history podcasts like The Age of Napoleon and History of the Second World War. We’re excited about partnering with Airwave. It’ll not only allow us to grow the show’s audience but also will give us the opportunity to tap into some of the ad money swirling around podcasts these days. That’ll mean a bit of extra income for us each month, but there will be a few ads included with each episode. It shouldn’t be at all intrusive… but nevertheless we will let you know that folks who are part of the Strawfoot Brigade (over on patreon) will still get all regular & members episodes ad-free as part of their membership.