Civil War Podcast, Episode 329

BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG (Part the Fifteenth)

149th Pennsylvania Infantry monument on Gettysburg battlefield

In which Rodes’ assault on the Federal First Corps line continues, with Daniel’s Brigade moving to the attack.

Our book recommendation for this episode is “Gettysburg: Stories of Men and Monuments as Told by Battlefield Guides” by Frederick W. Hawthorne.

Civil War Podcast, Episode 328

BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG (Part the Fourteenth)

Robert Emmett Rodes (1829-1864)

In which we look at the beginning of Rodes’ attack from Oak Hill and the destruction of Iverson’s Brigade.

Our book recommendation for this episode is “The Rashness of That Hour: Politics, Gettysburg, and the Downfall of Confederate Brigadier General Alfred Iverson” by Robert J. Wynstra

Civil War Podcast, Episode 327

BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG (Part the Thirteenth)

Oliver Otis Howard (1830-1909)

In which we see more units from both armies arrive on the field- Howard’s Eleventh Corps for the Federals and Rodes’ Division of Ewell’s Corps for the Confederates.

Our book recommendation for this episode is “The Generals of Gettysburg” by Larry Tagg.