Civil War Podcast, Episode 384

TULLAHOMA (Part the First)

Braxton Bragg (1817-1876)

In which we continue to set the stage for the start of the Tullahoma Campaign, which took place in Tennessee in late June/early July 1863.

Our book recommendation for this episode is “Tullahoma: The Forgotten Campaign that Changed the Course of the Civil War” by David A Powell and Eric J Wittenberg.

Civil War Podcast, Episode 383


William Starke Rosecrans (1819-1898)

In which we head back out west of the Appalachians to Tennessee and set the stage for the Tullahoma Campaign.

Our book recommendation for this episode is “The Stones River and Tullahoma Campaigns: This Army Does Not Retreat” by Christopher L Kolakowski

Civil War Podcast, Episode 382

The 54th Massachusetts “so full of hope and glory” (Part the Second)

In which we wrap up our look at the story of the 54th Massachusetts and the part it played in the Federal assault on Battery Wagner outside Charleston in July 1863.

Our book recommendation for this episode is “Where Death and Glory Meet: Colonel Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th Massachusetts Infantry” by Russell Duncan.

Civil War Podcast, Episode 381

The 54th Massachusetts “so full of hope and glory” (Part the First)

In which we start to look at the story of the 54th Massachusetts and the part they played in the Federal assault on Battery Wagner outside Charleston in July 1863.

Our book recommendation for this episode is “Lincoln and the U.S. Colored Troops” by John David Smith.

Civil War Podcast, Episode 380


In which we look at the Gettysburg Address.

Our book recommendation for this episode is “Writing the Gettysburg Address” by Martin P Johnson.

This week’s episode was sponsored by Simon & Schuster, publisher of “Lincoln and the Fight for Peace” by John Avlon. “Lincoln and the Fight for Peace” is available now wherever books are sold- also as a downloadable ebook and audiobook.

Lincoln Fight for Peace Book

Civil War Podcast, Episode 379

BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG (Part the Sixty-fifth)

In which we wrap up the Gettysburg battle/campaign story arc.

This episode of the podcast was sponsored by Simon & Schuster, publisher of “Lincoln and the Fight for Peace” by John Avlon. Available now wherever books are sold. It’s also available as a downloadable ebook and audiobook.

Lincoln and Fight for Peace Book

Civil War Podcast, Episode 378

BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG (Part the Sixty-fourth)

In which we look at the aftermath of Pickett’s Charge, and get the Confederates started off on their retreat from Gettysburg.

This episode of the podcast was sponsored by Simon & Schuster, publisher of ” Lincoln and the Fight for Peace” by John Avlon. Available now wherever books are sold. It’s also available as a downloadable ebook and audiobook.

Lincoln and Fight for Peace Book