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Civil War Podcast, Episode 436

KNOXVILLE (Part the Second)

In which Longstreet tries to come to grips with the Federals and bring the campaign to an early end before Burnside can withdraw into the fortifications at Knoxville.

Our book recommendation for this episode is “The Knoxville Campaign: Burnside and Longstreet in East Tennessee” by Earl J Hess

Civil War Podcast, Episode 434

CHATTANOOGA (Part the Sixteenth)

In which the one bright spot in the Confederate retreat from Chattanooga is Cleburne’s rearguard action at Ringgold Gap on November 27, 1863

Our book recommendation for this episode is “‘All Hell Can’t Stop Them’: The Battles for Chattanooga- Missionary Ridge and Ringgold, November 24-27, 1863” by David A Powell

Civil War Podcast, Episode 433

CHATTANOOGA (Part the Fifteenth)

In which the Federals pull off one of the most astonishing feats of the war as they storm Missionary Ridge outside Chattanooga on November 25, 1863.

Our book recommendation for this episode is a back issue of Blue & Gray Magazine- Volume 29 Issue #6 which covers the fighting for Missionary Ridge