Author Archives: Rich & Tracy Y

Recording Update


We’ll have to see how tomorrow goes, but we sat down today to try to record Member Episode #3 and it didn’t go so well. One of us, who shall remain nameless, has a bad sinus infection and has pretty much lost his voice. Although he can cough really good. For a really long time. And even slept on the couch last night so he wouldn’t keep Tracy awake with his coughing. Sooo, all of that’s to say that as far as recording the podcast, we’ll have to see how tomorrow goes.

Civil War Podcast, Episode 102

PEA RIDGE (Part the Second)

Samuel Ryan Curtis (1805-1866)
Samuel Ryan Curtis (1805-1866)

In which we continue our discussion of the events that preceded the Battle of Pea Ridge, which took place in northwest Arkansas on March 7-8, 1862.


Our book recommendation for this episode is “Pea Ridge: Civil War Campaign in the West” by William L. Shea and Earl J. Hess.

“Offers the rich tactical detail, maps, and order of battle that military scholars love but retains a very readable style combined with liberal use of recollections of the troops and leaders involved.” ~ Library Journal


Listen to Episode 102: PeaRidgePartSecond

Civil War Podcast, Episode 101

PEA RIDGE (Part the First)

In which we set the stage for the Battle of Pea Ridge, which took place in northwest Arkansas on March 7-8, 1862.

Earl Van Dorn (1820-1863)

Our book recommendation for this episode is “The Battle of Pea Ridge: The Civil War Fight for the Ozarks” by James R. Knight.


Listen to PeaRidgePartFirst

Civil War Podcast, Episode 100

MUSIC SPECIAL: Songs of the Civil War


In which we celebrate our one-hundreth episode with a music special featuring over twenty songs that were popular during the Civil War.

  • Midnight On the Water— Spiritwood Northwoods Ensemble (Superior Solitude)
  • Dixie’s Land—2nd South Carolina String Band (Southern Soldier)
  • The Bonnie Blue Flag—2nd South Carolina String Band (In High Cotton)
  • Maryland, My Maryland—Bobby Horton (Homespun Songs of the CSA, Volume 1)
  • Lorena—2nd South Carolina String Band (Hard Road)
  • Join the Cavalry—Hardtack & Harmony (Call to Arms)
  • Goober Peas—Hardtack & Harmony (Call to Arms)
  • Short Rations—Bobby Horton (Homespun Songs of the CSA, Volume 4)
  • Hard Crackers Come Again No More—2nd South Carolina String Band (Dulcem Melodies)
  • Weeping, Sad and Lonely—Bobby Horton (Homespun Songs of the Union Army, Volume 1)
  • Just Before the Battle, Mother—Bobby Horton (Homespun Songs of the Union Army, Volume 2)
  • All Quiet Along the Potomac Tonight—Bobby Horton (Homespun Songs of the CSA, Volume 1)
  • When Johnny Comes Marching Home—2nd South Carolina String Band (Hard Road)
  • Home, Sweet Home—2nd South Carolina String Band (Strike the Tent)
  • Tramp, Tramp, Tramp—Tom Glazer (A Treasury of Civil War Songs Sung by Tom Glazer)
  • Tenting on the Old Camp Ground—2nd South Carolina String Band (Hard Road)
  • Nearer My God to Thee—Chip Mergott (Hymns for the Acoustic Guitar)
  • Go Down Moses—Paul Robeson (Paul Robeson: The Complete EMI Sessions, 1928-1939)
  • Kingdom Coming—2nd South Carolina String Band (Lightning in a Jar)
  • My Country Tis of Thee—United States Air Force Heritage of America Band
  • John Brown’s Body—Tom Glazer (A Treasury of Civil War Songs Sung by Tom Glazer)
  • The Battle Hymn of the Republic—Bobby Horton (Homespun Songs of the Union Army, Volume 2)
  • The Battle Cry of Freedom—2nd South Carolina String Band (Hard Road)
  • We Are Coming Father Abraham, 300,000 More—Bobby Horton (Homespun Songs of the Union Army, Volume 1)
  • Marching Through Georgia—Hardtack & Harmony (Call to Arms)
  • Taps—United States Marine Band
  • Midnight On the Water—Spiritwood Northwoods Ensemble (Superior Solitude)
mcwhirter book

Our book recommendation for this episode is Battle Hymns: The Power and Popularity of Music in the Civil War by Christian McWhirter.

“No historian has done more than Christian McWhirter to open our ears to Civil War music as a powerful expression of political action. Neither side, as McWhirter brilliantly reveals, was just ‘whistling Dixie’ in camp or on the battlefield.” ~ Peter S. Carmichael


Listen to Episode 100: MusicSpecial

Civil War Podcast, Episode 99


In which we wrap-up our discussion of Sibley’s New Mexico Campaign by looking at the Battle of Glorieta Pass (March 28, 1862).

Our book recommendations for this episode are…

The Battle of Glorieta Pass: A Gettysburg in the West, March 26-28, 1862 by Thomas S. Edrington and John Taylor.

Sibley’s New Mexico Campaign by Martin Hardwick Hall.

Listen to Episode 99: 