Author Archives: Rich & Tracy Y

Civil War Podcast, Episode 127


George Bronton McClellan and his wife, Mary Ellen Marcy McClellan
George Brinton McClellan and his wife, Mary Ellen Marcy McClellan

In which we continue to lay out the background to McClellan’s Peninsula Campaign.


Our book recommendation for this episode is “McClellan’s War: The Failure of Moderation in the Struggle for the Union” by Ethan S. Rafuse.

Civil War Podcast, Episode 125

SHILOH (Part the Fifteenth)

In which we conclude our discussion of the campaign and battle of Shiloh.

Henry Wager Halleck (1815-1872)
Henry Wager Halleck (1815-1872)

Our book recommendation for this episode is “The West Point History of the Civil War” by the United States Military Academy.


Civil War Podcast, Episode 124

SHILOH (Part the Fourteenth)

Shiloh Church building at Shiloh National Military Park.
Shiloh Church building at Shiloh National Military Park.

In which we look at the second day of fighting at the Battle of Shiloh.  The battle took place over April 6-7, 1862. This is the next-to-last episode in our Shiloh story arc (so we’ll wrap things up next week!)


Our book recommendation for this episode is “Shiloh: Conquer or Perish” by Timothy B. Smith.

Civil War Podcast, Episode 123

SHILOH (Part the Thirteenth)

Steamboats pulled up at Pittsburg Landing on the west bank of the Tennessee River.
Steamboats pulled up at Pittsburg Landing on the west bank of the Tennessee River.

The “Lick ‘Em Tomorrow Though” Episode

In which we continue telling the story of the Battle of Shiloh, which took place over April 6-7, 1862.


Our book recommendation for this episode is “Grant and Sherman: The Friendship That Won the Civil War” by Charles Bracelen Flood.

Civil War Podcast, Episode 122

SHILOH (Part the Twelfth)


In which we continue telling the story of the Battle of Shiloh, which took place on April 6-7, 1862. In this episode we look at the legend of the Hornets’ Nest and then discuss the formation of Grant’s final defensive line.



Our book recommendation for this episode is “The Soldier’s View: The Civil War Art of Keith Rocco.”

Civil War Podcast, Episode 121

SHILOH (Part the Eleventh)

William Harvey Lamme Wallace (1821-1862)
William Hervey Lamme Wallace (1821-1862)
Benjamin Mayberry Prentiss (1819-1901)
Benjamin Mayberry Prentiss (1819-1901)

In which we continue telling the story of the Battle of Shiloh, which took place on April 6-7, 1862. In this episode we discuss the collapse of the Hornets’ Nest.


Our book recommendation for this episode is “Shiloh and the Western Campaign of 1862” by O. Edward Cunningham, edited by Gary D. Joiner and Timothy B. Smith.

Civil War Podcast, Episode 120

SHILOH (Part the Tenth)

Shiloh Church
Shiloh Church

In which we continue to tell the story of the Battle of Shiloh, which took place on April 6-7, 1862.


Our book recommendation for this episode is actually two magazine back issues.  Blue & Gray magazine, Volume XIV Issues 3 & 4 feature the battle of Shiloh with articles written by Stacy D. Allen, Chief Ranger at Shiloh National Military Park.
