Author Archives: Rich & Tracy Y

Civil War Podcast, Episode 224

PRAIRIE GROVE (Part the Third)

Francis Jay Herron (1837-1902)

In which we look at the maneuvering that brought the armies to Prairie Grove (Arkansas), including the epic march of the Missouri Divisions to the battlefield.

Our book recommendation for this episode is “Civil War Logistics: A Study of Military Transportation” by Earl J. Hess.

Civil War Podcast, Episode 223

PRAIRIE GROVE (Part the Second)

John Sappington Marmaduke (1833-1887)

In which we continue to set the stage for Prairie Grove- by looking at the Battle of Cane Hill (Arkansas), which took place on November 28, 1862.

Our book recommendation for this episode is “Civil War Battlefields: Walking the Trails of History” by David T. Gilbert.

Civil War Podcast, Episode 220

CORINTH (Part the Third)

“Key to Corinth” by Keith Rocco, depicting Colonel William P. Rogers of the 2nd Texas leading an assault on Battery Robinett.

In which we look at the action at the Battle of Corinth (Mississippi), which took place on October 3 & 4, 1862.

Our book recommendation for this episode is a magazine back issue: Blue & Gray Magazine, Volume 19 Issue 6 (Summer 2002). Article “Corinth, Mississippi: Crossroads of the Western Confederacy” by Stacy D. Allen.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! to all of our great listeners. As you might have guessed by now, we decided to take a break for the holidays, but we wanted to be sure to say “Thank you!!!” for a great 2017. We’re looking forward to spending the new year with you as we continue to make our way through the story of the Civil War.  For 2018, we have some exciting chapters in that story coming up on the podcast timeline- Fredericksburg… Chancellorsville… Vicksburg… and Gettysburg.  We can’t wait!