VICKSBURG (Part the First)

In which we start to look at the background to the Vicksburg Campaign.
Our book recommendation for this episode is “The Campaign for Vicksburg” (3 volumes) by Edwin Bearss.
Listen to Episode 277: VicksburgPartFirst
VICKSBURG (Part the First)
In which we start to look at the background to the Vicksburg Campaign.
Our book recommendation for this episode is “The Campaign for Vicksburg” (3 volumes) by Edwin Bearss.
Listen to Episode 277: VicksburgPartFirst
Just a reminder- but as we announced at the end of the last show, there won’t be a new episode this weekend. We’re taking a bit of time off to celebrate our anniversary and Easter. We’ll be back on April 28 with the first installment of the Vicksburg story arc.
“MOUNTAINEERS ARE ALWAYS FREE”: How West Virginia Became a State (Part the Second)
In which we wrap-up the story of how West Virginia, in the midst of the Civil War, became the thirty-fifth state of the Union.
Our book recommendation for this episode is “A House Divided: A Study of Statehood Politics and the Copperhead Movement in West Virginia” By Richard Orr Curry.
Listen to Episode 276: WestVirginiaPartSecond
“MOUNTAINEERS ARE ALWAYS FREE”: How West Virginia Became a State (Part the First)
In which we start to look at the story of how West Virginia became the thirty-fifth state of the Union.
Our book recommendation for this episode is “West Virginia and the Civil War” by Mark Snell.
Listen to Episode 275: WestVirginiaPartFirst
We’re making a big change to the membership program. You see, when we first started the Strawfoot Brigade we put together a wordpress website ourselves and found a membership plugin to use with it, and although both have performed yoeman duty up to this point, they’re beginning to show the strain as the number of members continues to climb steadily. A growing membership is a good problem to have, obviously, and we think we’ve hit upon the best solution to address that “problem” as we continue to move forward with the podcast. We’re going to transition all of the Strawfoot Brigade material to a proven membership platform named Patreon that is already used by thousands of other creators, including many of our fellow podcasters. Our page there is all set-up and ready to go, so you can check it out right now at
Although we think this is the best long-term solution for us as we move forward with the show, we realize that there may be some short-term disruption, since unfortunately there’s no way to simply transfer all of our current members to Patreon. That means you’ll have to close out your current membership through Paypal and open up a new membership through Patreon. To help ease this transition for current members, we’re going to plan for a transition period of six weeks, during which we’ll leave all the membership episodes up on the website, but after May 10, 2019 the only way to access membership material will be through Patreon.
Thank you for your support of the podcast. We’re still as excited as ever about continuing to tell the story of the Civil War & Reconstruction. We hope we can continue to count on your support as we keep telling that story, one episode at a time.
In which we look at the wounding and death of Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson (1824-1863).
Our book recommendation for this episode is “The Last Days of Stonewall Jackson: The Mortal Wounding of the Confederacy’s Greatest Icon” by Chris Mackowski & Kristopher D. White.
Listen to Episode #274: DeathStonewallJackson
CHANCELLORSVILLE (Part the Sixteenth)
In which Hooker retreats, Lee stews, and we wrap-up our discussion of the Chancellorsville Campaign.
Our book recommendation for this episode is “Where Valor Proudly Sleeps: A History of Fredericksburg National Cemetery” by Donald C. Pfanz.
Listen to Episode 273: ChancellorsvillePartSixteenth
CHANCELLORSVILLE (Part the Fifteenth)
In which we see Robert E Lee fail in his attempt to “demolish” Sedgwick on May 4, 1863.
Our book recommendation for this episode is “The War for the Common Soldier: How Men Thought, Fought, and Survived in Civil War Armies” by Peter S. Carmichael.
Listen to Episode 272: ChancellorsvillePartFifteenth
CHANCELLORSVILLE (Part the Fourteenth)
In which we look at the fighting at Salem Church on May 3, 1863.
Our book recommendation for this episode is Blue & Gray Magazine, Volume 30 Issue 1
Listen to Episode 271: ChancellorsvillePartFourteenth
CHANCELLORSVILLE (Part the Thirteenth)
In which we shift our focus to the fighting that took place east of Chancellorsville, at Fredericksburg and Salem Church.
Our book recommendation for this episode is “Chancellorsville’s Forgotten Front: The Battles of Second Fredericksburg and Salem Church- May 3, 1863” by Chris Mackowski & Kristopher D. White.
Listen to Episode 270: ChancellorsvillePartThirteenth