Civil War Podcast, Episode 422

CHATTANOOGA (Part the Fourth)

In which the campaign for Chattanooga takes a decisive turn- but not in that town but in Washington.

Our book recommendation for this episode is “Decisions at Chattanooga: The Nineteen Critical Decisions That Defined the Battle” by Larry Peterson

This episode was sponsored by the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. Learn more at or contact them at

Civil War Podcast, Episode 421

CHATTANOOGA (Part the Third)

In which we look at Wheeler’s October Raid.

Our book recommendation for this episode is “A Soldier to the Las: Major General Joseph Wheeler in Blue and Gray” by Edward G Longacre

This episode of the podcast was sponsored by the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. Visit their website at or email them at

Civil War Podcast, Episode 420

CHATTANOOGA (Part the Second)

Jefferson Davis (1808-1889)

In which the Federals work to send substantial reinforcements to William Rosecrans, while- on the Confederate side- Braxton Bragg battles his own generals.

Our book recommendation for this episode is “Jefferson Davis’s Generals” edited by Gabor Boritt

Civil War Podcast, Episode 419

CHATTANOOGA (Part the First)

In which we look at the transition from the Chickamauga Campaign to the Chattanooga Campaign for the Army of Tennessee & the Army of the Cumberland.

Our book recommendation for this episode is “Six Armies in Tennessee: The Chickamauga and Chattanooga Campaigns” by Steven E Woodworth

Civil War Podcast, Episode 417

BRISTOE STATION (Part the Second)

In which we continue looking at the Bristoe Station Campaign, which took place in northern Virginia in October 1863.

Our book recommendation for this episode is “A Want of Vigilance: The Bristoe Station Campaign, October 9-19, 1863” by Bill Backus & Robert Orrison

Civil War Podcast, Episode 416

“Meanwhile, Back East…” (Bristoe Station- Part the First)

In which we look at what was going on with the Army of the Potomac and the Army of Northern Virginia while Rosecrans and Bragg were locked in combat at Chickamauga.

Our book recommendation for this episode is “The Maps of the Bristoe Station and Mine Run Campaigns” by Bradley M Gottfried

Civil War Podcast, Episode 415


William Clarke Quantrill (1837-1865)

In which William Quantrill and his rebel bushwhackers descend upon the town of Lawrence, Kansas, on August 21, 1863, and a massacre ensues.

Our book recommendation for this episode is “Bloody Dawn: The Story of the Lawrence Massacre” by Thomas Goodrich

Civil War Podcast, Episode 414


James Henry Lane (1833-1907)

In which we look at the violence that wracked the Kansas/Missouri border after the start of the Civil War, and set the stage for the Lawrence (KS) Massacre, which happened in August 1863.

Our book recommendation for this episode is “Black Flag: Guerrilla Warfare on the Western Border, 1861-1865” by Thomas Goodrich

Civil War Podcast, Episode 413

CHICKAMAUGA (Part the Twenty-third)

George Henry Thomas (1816-1870) the “Rock of Chickamauga”

In which we look at the aftermath of the battle.

Our book recommendation for this episode is “The Chickamauga Campaign: Barren Victory- the Retreat into Chattanooga, the Confederate Pursuit, and the Aftermath of the Battle… September 21 to October 20, 1863” by David A. Powell